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  • Angelou, Maya – On the Pulse of Morning (read by the author) – YouTube
  • Angelou, Maya – Phenomenal Woman – YouTube
  • Angelou, Maya – Still I Rise & On the Pulse of the Morning (read by author) – YouTube
  • Anonymous – Beowulf – Free iTunes – Free MP3s – Reading by Seamus Heaney
  • Apollinaire, Guillaume – Le pont Mirabeau (Read by author in 1913) – Free MP3
  • Apollinaire, Guillaume – Marie (Read by author in 1913) – Free MP3
  • Apollinaire, Guillaume – Le Voyageur (Read by author in 1913) – Free MP3
  • Aragon, Louis – Elsa (read by author) – Free Stream
  • Arnold, Matthew – The Poetry of Matthew Arnold – Free Stream on Spotify
  • Arnold, Matthew – Dover Beach – Free Stream/Download
  • Ashbery, John – Everyman – Free MP3
  • Ashbery, John – “Meditations of a Parrot,” “The Painter” and “The Picture of Little J.A. in a Prospect of Flowers” (read by the author)- Free Stream/MP3
  • Ashbery, John – Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror – YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. – 1st September, 1939; As I Walked Out One Evening; “Song of the Master and Boatswain,” (read by Dylan Thomas) – YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. – 1st September, 1939 – YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. – As I Walked Out One Evening (read by Auden) – YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. – Autumn Song – Free MP3
  • Auden, W.H. – Bucolics and Horae Cononicae (read by Auden) – Free Stream/Download
  • Auden, W.H. – Doggerel by a Senior Citizen (read by Auden) – YouTube
  • Auden, W. H. – In Memory of WB Yeats – YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. – Metalogue to The Magic Flute (read by Auden – Free Stream/Download
  • Auden, W.H. – The Sea and The Mirror (read by the author) – Free Stream/Download
  • Baudelaire, Charles – Les fleurs du mal (in French) – Free Stream
  • Beckett, Samuel – Tailpiece and 23rd Addenda (read by the author) – YouTube
  • Beefheart, Captain – Fallin Ditch, Skeleton Makes Good & More (read by the author) –  YouTube
  • Blake, William – A Little Boy Lost – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – Jerusalem – Free MP3 Zip File
  • Blake, William – Laughing Song – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – London – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – Preface to Milton – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – Piping Down Valleys Wild – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, as read by Allen Ginsberg – Free Stream/MP3
  • Blake, William – The Chimney Sweeper – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – The School Boy – Free MP3
  • Blake, William – Visions of the Daughters of Albion – Free MP3
  • Borges, Jorge Luis – Art of Poetry/Arte Poétic – Free MP3
  • Borges, Jorge Luis – Borges Reads 30 of His Poems in Spanish – Spotify
  • Borges, Jorge Luis – Plainness – Free Stream
  • Bradbury, Ray – If Only We Had Taller Been (read by the author) – YouTube
  • Bronte, Emily – Anticipation – Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emily – Encouragement – Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emily – Poems – Free MP3
  • Bukowski, Charles – 4 Hours of Bukowski Readings – Spotify
  • Bukowski, Charles – At Terror Street and Agony Way – Free Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles – Beer – Animated Video
  • Bukowski, Charles – Bluebird – YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles – Girl on the Escalator – Vimeo
  • Bukowski, Charles – Hostage – Spotify
  • Bukowski, Charles – Master Collection – Spotify
  • Bukowski, Charles – Something For The Touts, The Nuns, The Grocery Clerks, And You – YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles – The Laughing Heart (read by Tom Waits) – YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles – The Crunch and Roll The Dice (read by Bono) – YouTube Audio
  • Bukowski, Charles – The Secret to My Endurance (read by Bukowski) – YouTube Audio
  • Burton, Tim – The Nightmare Before Christmas (read by Christopher Lee) – YouTube Video
  • Byron – Childe Harold: Canto III – Free MP3
  • Byron – Darkness – Free MP3
  • Byron – Newton – Free MP3
  • Byron – She Walks in Beauty – Free MP3
  • Cage, John – Overpopulation and Art – Free Stream
  • Carroll, Jim – Praying Mantis – Spotify
  • Carroll, Lewis – Jabberwocky (read by Neil Gaiman) – YouTube
  • Carroll, Lewis – The Poetry of Lewis Carroll – Spotify
  • Cavafy, C.P. – Ithaca (read by Sean Connery) – YouTube
  • Ciardi, John – As If: Poems New and Selected by John Ciardi (read by the author) – Spotify
  • Cocteau, Jean – Requiem (read by the author) – Free Stream
  • Cohen, Leonard – “For E.J.P” and “You Have the Lovers” (read by Cohen) – Free Stream/Download
  • Coleridge, Samuel – Kubla Khan – Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel – Kubla Khan (read by Benedict Cumberbatch) – YouTube
  • Coleridge, Samuel – Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel – The Dungeon – Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel – Poems (Read by Ralph Richardson) – Free Spotify
  • Collins, Billy – The Best Cigarette (Poetry collection read by the author) – Free Spotify
  • Collins, Billy – Soap – Spotify
  • Crane, Hart – “The Broken Tower” and “The Hurricane” (read by Tennessee Williams) – Vimeo
  • Crowley, Aleister – Poems by Aleister Crowley (read by Aleister Crowley) – Spotify
  • Cummings, EE – Somewhere I Have Never Travelled – (read by author) – YouTube
  • Cummings, EE – Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town – (read by author) – YouTube
  • Dante – Inferno (read by John Ciardi) – Spotify
  • DeTroyes, Chretien – Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart- Stream
  • Dickinson, Emily – An 8 Hour Reading of Emily Dickinson Poetry- YouTube
  • Dickinson, Emily – The Poems of Emily Dickinson, Series 1 – Free iTunes – Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily – The Poems of Emily Dickinson, Series 2 – Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily – Poems & Letters – Spotify
  • Dickinson, Emily – Because I Could Not Stop for Death – Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily – Hope Is the Thing With Feathers – Free MP3
  • Dickinson, Emily – ‘I Started Early–Took My Dog’ – YouTube
  • Dickinson, Emily – There’s a certain Slant of light” (read by Susan Howe) – YouTube
  • Donne, John – Death, Be Not Proud – Free Stream/MP3
  • Donne, John – The Good-morrow – Free Stream/MP3
  • Donne, John – The Sunne Rising – Free MP3
  • Ehrmann, Max – Desiderata (Read by Leonard Nimoy) – YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. – Four Quartets (Read by T.S. Eliot) – YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. – Four Quartets (Read by Alec Guinness) – YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. – Journey of the Magi(Read by T.S. Eliot) – YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. – Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (Read by T.S. Eliot) – Spotify playlist
  • Eliot, T.S. – The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  • Eliot, T.S. – The Waste Land – Free MP3
    • Listen to reading by TS Eliot – YouTube 
    • Hear reading by Jeremy Irons and Eileen Atkins – Stream
  • Eliot, T.S. – T.S. Eliot Reading Poems and Choruses – Spotify
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – A Coney Island of the Mind – Spotify
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – Selections from A Coney Island of the Mind (read by author) – Free MP3 – Free Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – Baseball Canto – Free MP3/Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – Evil – Free MP3/Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – ‘The First and the Last of Everything’ (read by author) – Free Stream
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – “Underwear” (read by author) – YouTube
  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence – Wilfred Funk (read by author) – Free MP3/Stream
  • Frost, Robert – A Line Storm Song – Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert – My Butterfly – Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert – October – Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert – Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (read by author) – YouTube
  • Frost, Robert – The Gift Outright (read by author) – YouTube
  • Frost, Robert – “The Road Not Taken,” “The Pasture,” “Mowing,” “Birches,” “After Apple-Picking,” and “The Tuft of Flowers” (read by the author)  – Free Stream
  • Frost, Robert – Robert Frost Reads His Poetry – Free Spotify
  • Gaiman, Neil – The Mushroom Hunters (read by Amanda Palmer) – Soundcloud
  • Ginsberg, Allen – A Supermarket in California (read by Ginsberg) – Free MP3
  • Ginsberg, Allen – America (read by Ginsberg) – Free Stream
  • Ginsberg, Allen – First Blues: Rags, Ballads and Harmonium Songs – Spotify
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Howl, A Strange New Cottage in Berkeley, and Supermarket in California (read by Ginsberg) – Free MP3/Stream
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Howl (read by Ginsberg, 1959) – YouTube – iTunes
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Howl (first recorded reading of Howl by Ginsberg, 1956) – Free Stream – Free iTunes – Web
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Howl (read by James Franco) – YouTube
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Jahweh and Allah Battle – Free Stream
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Kaddish and other works (read by Ginsberg) – Free Stream
  • Ginsberg , Allen – Mind Breaths (read by Ginsberg) – Free Stream/Download
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Sunflower Sutra  (read by Ginsberg) – Free MP3
  • Ginsberg, Allen – The Last Word on First Blues – Spotify
  • Ginsberg, Allen – The Lion for Real (read by Ginsberg) – Free on Spotify
  • Ginsberg, Allen – “The Shrouded Stranger Of The Night,” “Sweet Levinsky,” and “Stanzas: Written at Night in Radio City.” – Free Stream/Download
  • Ginsberg, Allen – “What would you do if you lost it?” (read by Ginsberg) – Free Stream/Download
  • Ginsberg, Allen – Witchita Vortex Sutra – Spotify
  • Hardy, Thomas – Poems (read by Richard Burton) – Spotify
  • Hemingway, Ernest – Second Poem to Mary (read by Hemingway) – Free YouTube
  • Henley, Ernest – Invictus – Free YouTube
  • Hitchcock, Robyn – “If Death is Not the End” (Read by Alan Rickman) – Free Stream
  • Homer, The Odyssey – Free Stream/MP3 Download – Free iTunes
  • Hughes, Langston – Langston Hughes Reads Langston Hughes – Spotify
  • Hughes, Langston – The Dream Keeper and Other Poems of Langston Hughes (read by Hughes) – Spotify
  • Hughes, Langston – The Glory of Negro History – Spotify
  • The Negro Speaks of Rivers (ready by Hughes) – YouTube
  • Hughes, Langston – The Voice of Langston Hughes – Spotify
  • Hughes, Ted – Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes & Peter Porter Read Their Poetry – Spotify
  • Keats, John – To Autumn – Free MP3
  • Keats, John – Ode on a Grecian Urn – Free MP3
  • Keats, John – Ode to a Nightingale (as recited loosely by F. Scott Fitzgerald) – YouTube
  • Keats, John – Ode to a Nightingale (as read by Benedict Cumberbatch) – YouTube
  • Keats, John – On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer – Free MP3
  • Keats, John – When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be – Free MP3
  • Kerouac, Jack – 4 Albums with Kerouac Reciting Poetry & Verse – Spotify
  • Kipling, Rudyard – If (read by Dennis Hopper) – YouTube
  • Kipling, Rudyard – If (read by Michael Caine) – YouTube
  • Kipling, Rudyard – My Boy Jack (read by Ralph Fiennes) – YouTube
  • Kipling, Rudyard – The Gods of the Copybook Headings – Free MP3
  • Kipling, Rudyard – The Way Through the Woods – Free MP3
  • Levertov, Denise – City Psalm, Open Secret, Love Song, The Ache of Marriage, To the Muse, The Certainty (read by the author) – SoundCloud
  • Levine, Philip – The Feed They Lion (read by Philip Levine) – YouTube
  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth – Selected Works – Free MP3
  • McCrae, John – “In Flanders Fields” (read by Leonard Cohen) – YouTube
  • Melville, Herman – Ball’s Bluff – Free Stream
  • Merwin, W.S. – After a Storm (read by author) – Free Stream/Download
  • Milton, John – On His Blindness – Free MP3
  • Multiple Authors – 19 Century French Poetry, Read in French by Paul Mankin – Spotify
  • Multiple Authors – 20th Century French Poetry, Narrated by Paul Mankin – Spotify
  • Multiple Authors – French African Poetry, Read in French by Paul Mankin – Spotify
  • Nabokov, Vladimir – The University Town (read by Ralph Fiennes) – Free Stream
  • Nash, Ogden – Christmas with Ogden Nash – Spotify
  • Nash, Ogden – Ogden Nash Read Ogden Nash – Spotify
  • Neruda, Pablo – Birth (Read by Neruda) – Free Stream
  • Neruda, Pablo – Keeping Quiet (Read by Sylvia Boorstein) – Free Stream
  • Neruda, Pablo – Pablo Neruda Lee a Pablo Neruda – Spotify
  • Plath, Sylvia – Sylvia Plath reading her poetry (23 poems read by the author) – YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia – Ariel (read by author) – YouTube Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia – A Birthday Present (read by the author) – Free MP3/Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia – Daddy (read by author) – YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia – Fever 103 (read by the author) – YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia – Lady Lazarus (read by author) – YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia – Morning Song (read by Meryl Streep) – SoundCould
  • Plath, Sylvia – Spinster – Soundcloud
  • Plath, Sylvia – The Applicant (read by the author) – YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – Annabel Lee – Free MP3
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – The Raven (read by Christopher Walken) – YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – The Raven – Free MP3
  • Pope, Alexander – Nature and Art – Free Stream
  • Pope, Alexander – The Quiet Life – Free Stream
  • Pound, Ezra – Cantico del sole – Free MP3 [text]
  • Pound, Ezra – Canto XVII (“So that the vine burst from my fingers’) – Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra – Canto XXX – Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra – Canto XLV – Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra – Canto LVI – Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra – Homage to Sextus Propertius, Section VI (read by author) – Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra – Sestina: Altaforte (read by author) – YouTube
  • Pound, Ezra – The Seafarer  (read by author) – Free MP3
  • Rexroth, Kenneth – “One Hundred Poems from the Chinese” and “In Defense of the Earth” (read by the author) – Free Stream
  • Rich, Adrienne – Mourning Poem, Spring Thunder, White Night and other poems (read by author) – Free Stream/Download
  • Rich, Adrienne – “Planetarium” (read by astrophysicist Janna Levin) – Soundcloud
  • Rich, Adrienne – “Power” (read by astrophysicist Roseanne Cash) – Soundcloud
  • Rich, Adrienne – What Kind of Times Are These? (read by the author) – Soundcloud
  • Rimbaud, Arthur – Illuminations – Free MP3 Zip File
  • Rumi – Poems read by  Tilda Swinton, Madonna, Robert Bly & Coleman Barks – YouTube/Soundcloud
  • Sandburg, Carl – A Lincoln Album: Readings by Carl Sandburg – Spotify
  • Sandburg, Carl – Chicago – Free Stream
  • Sandburg, Carl – The People Yes – Spotify
  • Sassoon, Siegfried – Aftermath (Read by Jeremy Irons) – YouTube
  • Sexton, Anne – Waiting to Die (read by author) – YouTube
  • Sexton, Anne – “Her Kind,” “The Ambition Bird,” “Ringing the Bells,” “Music Swims Back to Me,” and “The Truth the Dead Know” (read by the author) – Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne – “With Mercy for the Greedy,” “The Starry Night,” “Letter Written on a Ferry While Crossing Long Island Sound,” and “Self in 1958,” (read by the author) – Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne – Divorce, Thy Name is Woman,” “Gods Making a Living,” “Jesus Cooks,” “Jesus Walking,” and “The Fury of Overshoes” (read by the author) – Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne – “Rowing,” “Riding the Elevator Into the Sky,” “The Play,” “The Rowing Endeth,” “Us,” and “The Touch” (read by the author) – Free Stream
  • Sexton, Anne – What’s That – Spotify
  • Schiller, Friedrich – Poetry of Friedrich von Schiller: Read in German by Kinski – Spotify
  • Shakespeare, William – Shakespeare’s Sonnets – Free MP3s
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Adonais – Free MP3
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Ozymandias of Egypt – Free MP3
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Ozymandias (read by Bryan Cranston) – Free YouTube
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe – Various Poems (read by Vincent Price) – Free Spotify
  • Smith, Patti – Reading at Columbia University of Poetry That Would Become Horses(1975) – YouTube
  • Smith, Patti – Reading of 12 Poems From “Seventh Heaven” (1972) – YouTube
  • Stein, Gertrude – A Valentine to Sherwood Anderson (read by Gertrude Stein) – Free MP3
  • Stevens, Wallace – “Credences of Summer” and “An Ordinary Evening in New Haven” (read by the author) – Free Stream/Download
  • Stevens, Wallace – “The Idea of Order at Key West,” “The Poem that Took the Place of a Mountain,” and “Vacancy in the Park” (read by the author) – .au format – .gsm format –.ra format
  • Stevens, Wallace – To an Old Philosopher in Rome (read by the author) – Free MP3
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord – Break, Break, Break – Free MP3
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord – The Charge of the Light Brigade – Free MP3/Stream – Quicktime – RealPlayer
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord – The Lotos-Eaters – Free MP3
  • Thomas, Dylan – Dylan Thomas Reads 8 Hours of His Poetry – Spotify
  • Thomas, Dylan – Three Poems Read by W.H. Auden – Free
  • Thomas, Dylan – An Evening with Dylan Thomas – Spotify
  • Thomas, Dylan – Richard Burton Reads 15 Poems by Dylan Thomas – Spotify
  • Thomas, Dylan – Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait’ and 14 Other Poems (read by Richard Burton) – YouTube
  • Thomas, Dylan – Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night (read by the author) – Free MP3/Stream
  • Thomas, Dylan – Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night (read by the Sir Anthony Hopkins) – Free YouTube
  • Thomas, Dylan – The Wild West (read by the author) – Free MP3/Stream
  • Thomas, Dylan – Under Milk Wood (read by the author) – Free MP3/Stream
  • Updike, John – Rainbow (read by author) – Free Stream
  • Valéry, Paul – “Fragment Du Narcisse” (read by author) – Free Stream
  • Virgil – Aeneid – Free MP3 Zip Download
  • Whitman, Walt – O Captain! My Captain! – Free MP3
  • Whitman, Walt – Leaves of Grass – Free MP3 Zip File – Free Stream
  • Whitman, Walt – Song of Myself and Other Poems – Free Stream/MP3
  • Whitman, Walt – Song of Myself (read by James Earl Jones) – Free Stream/Download
  • Whitman, Walt – Song of Myself (read by James Earl Jones) – Free Stream
  • Whitman, Walt – Song of Myself (read by Orson Welles) – Free Stream
  • Whitman, Walt – Song of Myself (read by Eric Forsythe/U. of Iowa) – Free Stream
  • Wilbur, Richard – A Storm in April, The Ride, Shad-Time, Advice From the Muse and Other Poems (read by author) – Free Stream/Download
  • Wilde, Oscar – The Ballad of Reading Gaol – Free MP3/Stream
  • Williams, Tennessee – Selected Poems – Free Stream/Download
  • Williams, Willam Carlos – Selected Poems (read by poet 1954 ) – Free MP3
  • Williams, William Carlos – 39 Poems Read for The Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. May 5, 1945 – Free MP3
  • Williams, William Carlos – The Red Wheelbarrow, Tract, The Defective Record, To a Poor Old Woman, A Coronal, To Elsie, The Wind Increases, Classic Scene (read by poet 1954) – Free
  • Wordsworth, William – Daffodils (Read by Jeremy Irons) – YouTube
  • Wordsworth, William – The Last of the Flock – Free MP3
  • Wordsworth, William – Solitary Reaper – Free MP3
  • Wordsworth, William – Tintern Abbey – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – William Butler Reads His Own Work – Spotify
  • Yeats, William Butler – The Lake Isle of Innisfree, The Fiddler of Dooney, The Song of the Old Mother, Coole and Ballylee (read by the author) – YouTube
  • Yeats, William Butler – Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – Byzantium – Real Media
  • Yeats, William Butler – Lake Isle of Innesfree (read by the author) – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – Lake Isle of Innesfree (read by Anthony Hopkins) – YouTube
  • Yeats, William Butler – Sailing to Byzantium – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – The Cold Heaven – Free Stream/MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – The Fiddler of Dooney (read by the author) – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – The Song of the Old Mother (read by the author) – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – To my Heart, bidding it have no Fear (read by Richard Dawkins) – YouTube
  • Yeats, William Butler – When You Are Old – Free MP3
  • Yeats, William Butler – When You Are Old (Read by Colin Farrell) – YouTube



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